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Revenue breakdown by Products & Services
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Mastercard Incorporated's Revenue by Segment

In fiscal year 2023, Mastercard Incorporated's revenue by segment (products & services) are as follows:

  • Payment Network: $15.82B
  • Value-Added Services And Solutions: $9.27B

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The above chart shows Mastercard Incorporated's revenue percentage share by segment (products and services).

In fiscal year 2021, Mastercard Incorporated's revenue by segment is as follows:

  • Cross-border Volume Fees generated $4.66B in revenue, representing 15.63% of its total revenue.
  • Domestic Assessments generated $8.16B in revenue, representing 27.33% of its total revenue.
  • Other Revenues generated $6.22B in revenue, representing 20.85% of its total revenue.
  • Transaction Processing generated $10.80B in revenue, representing 36.18% of its total revenue.

The biggest segment for Mastercard Incorporated is the Transaction Processing, which represents 36.18% of its total revenue.
The smallest segment for Mastercard Incorporated is the Cross-border Volume Fees, which represents 15.63% of its total revenue.

The above chart shows Mastercard Incorporated's revenue percentage share by segment (products and services).

In fiscal year 2022, Mastercard Incorporated's revenue by segment is as follows:

  • Payment Network generated $14.36B in revenue, representing 64.57% of its total revenue.
  • Value-Added Services And Solutions generated $7.88B in revenue, representing 35.43% of its total revenue.

The biggest segment for Mastercard Incorporated is the Payment Network, which represents 64.57% of its total revenue.
The smallest segment for Mastercard Incorporated is the Value-Added Services And Solutions, which represents 35.43% of its total revenue.

The above chart shows Mastercard Incorporated's revenue percentage share by segment (products and services).

In fiscal year 2023, Mastercard Incorporated's revenue by segment is as follows:

  • Payment Network generated $15.82B in revenue, representing 63.05% of its total revenue.
  • Value-Added Services And Solutions generated $9.27B in revenue, representing 36.95% of its total revenue.

The biggest segment for Mastercard Incorporated is the Payment Network, which represents 63.05% of its total revenue.
The smallest segment for Mastercard Incorporated is the Value-Added Services And Solutions, which represents 36.95% of its total revenue.
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Summary Table

Products & Services (Percent Share) 2021 2022 2023
Cross-border Volume Fees 15.63% - -
Domestic Assessments 27.33% - -
Other Revenues 20.85% - -
Transaction Processing 36.18% - -
Payment Network - 64.57% 63.05%
Value-Added Services And Solutions - 35.43% 36.95%
Total Revenue 100% 100% 100%

The above chart shows the revenue trend of different segments of Mastercard Incorporated.

In fiscal year 2023, the Payment Network generated the most revenue ($15.82B), and the Value-Added Services And Solutions generated the least revenue ($9.27B).

The above chart shows growth drivers and a year-over-year comparison of different segments' revenue.

  • Payment Network revenue increased 10.21% ($1.47B) from $14.36B (in 2022) to $15.82B (in 2023).
  • Value-Added Services And Solutions revenue increased 17.71% ($1.40B) from $7.88B (in 2022) to $9.27B (in 2023).
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    Summary Table

    Products & Services 2021 2022 2023
    Cross-border Volume Fees $4.66B - - - - -
    Domestic Assessments $8.16B - - - - -
    Other Revenues $6.22B - - - - -
    Payment Network - - $14.36B - $15.82B
    Transaction Processing $10.80B - - - - -
    Value-Added Services And Solutions - - $7.88B - $9.27B
    Total Revenue $29.85B - $22.24B