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Philip Morris International Net Income Per Employee

  • Philip Morris International's annual net income per employee was $94.21K in fiscal year 2023. The net income per employee decreased $19.18K from $113.38K (in 2022) to $94.21K (in 2023), representing a -16.91% year-over-year decline.

  • Over the past 10 years (2014-2023):
  • The Highest net income per employee for Philip Morris International was $130.88K in fiscal year 2021.
  • The Lowest net income per employee was $74.88K in fiscal year 2017.
  • The Average net income per employee was $99.09K.

  • Learn more about Philip Morris International's Revenue by Segment and Revenue by Region.

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    Definition of Net Income per Employee :
  • Net Income per Employee is the amount of profit that a business earns from one employee. Refer to our glossary for more details, examples, and formulas.
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Philip Morris International's net income per employee was $94.21K in fiscal year 2023.


Philip Morris International's net income per employee was $113.38K in fiscal year 2022.


Philip Morris International's net income per employee was $130.88K in fiscal year 2021.


Philip Morris International's net income per employee was $113.46K in fiscal year 2020.


Philip Morris International's net income per employee was $97.76K in fiscal year 2019.


Philip Morris International's net income per employee was $102.21K in fiscal year 2018.


Philip Morris International's net income per employee was $74.88K in fiscal year 2017.


Philip Morris International's net income per employee was $87.64K in fiscal year 2016.


Philip Morris International's net income per employee was $85.70K in fiscal year 2015.


Philip Morris International's net income per employee was $90.82K in fiscal year 2014.

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Philip Morris International's net income per employee decreased -16.91% during fiscal year 2023 compared to 2022.
It represents a decline of -$19.18K from $113.38K (in 2022) to $94.21K (in 2023).


Philip Morris International's net income per employee decreased -13.37% during fiscal year 2022 compared to 2021.
It represents a decline of -$17.49K from $130.88K (in 2021) to $113.38K (in 2022).


Philip Morris International's net income per employee increased 15.35% during fiscal year 2021 compared to 2020.
It represents an increase of $17.41K from $113.46K (in 2020) to $130.88K (in 2021).


Philip Morris International's net income per employee increased 16.07% during fiscal year 2020 compared to 2019.
It represents an increase of $15.71K from $97.76K (in 2019) to $113.46K (in 2020).


Philip Morris International's net income per employee decreased -4.36% during fiscal year 2019 compared to 2018.
It represents a decline of -$4.45K from $102.21K (in 2018) to $97.76K (in 2019).


Philip Morris International's net income per employee increased 36.5% during fiscal year 2018 compared to 2017.
It represents an increase of $27.33K from $74.88K (in 2017) to $102.21K (in 2018).


Philip Morris International's net income per employee decreased -14.56% during fiscal year 2017 compared to 2016.
It represents a decline of -$12.76K from $87.64K (in 2016) to $74.88K (in 2017).


Philip Morris International's net income per employee increased 2.26% during fiscal year 2016 compared to 2015.
It represents an increase of $1.94K from $85.70K (in 2015) to $87.64K (in 2016).


Philip Morris International's net income per employee decreased -5.64% during fiscal year 2015 compared to 2014.
It represents a decline of -$5.13K from $90.82K (in 2014) to $85.70K (in 2015).


Philip Morris International's net income per employee decreased -3.52% during fiscal year 2014 compared to -.
It represents a decline of -$3.31K from $94.14K (in 2013) to $90.82K (in 2014).

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Summary Table

Period Net Income per Employee Year-over-Year Change
2023 $94.21K -16.91%
2022 $113.38K -13.37%
2021 $130.88K +15.35%
2020 $113.46K +16.07%
2019 $97.76K -4.36%
2018 $102.21K +36.5%
2017 $74.88K -14.56%
2016 $87.64K +2.26%
2015 $85.70K -5.64%
2014 $90.82K -3.52%